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HoverSpot.com is a free social networking website that facilitates online communication through an interactive network of photos, weblogs, personal web pages, and an internal e-mail system. HoverSpot enhances your interactive experiences with your Buddies and other HoverSpot members by providing features not available from other social networking sites. HoverSpot provides you with a wide variety of rich content templates with which to customize your Website. We also provide you with the HoverBuilder, a tool that allows our members freely express themselves customizing their Website without knowing the inner workings of HTML and CSS.

Some people prefer HoverSpot.Com over MySpace.com.

Is HoverSpot.Com Free?

All of Hoverspot’s current services are free. They intend to expand the service offerings in the future. Some services that they intend to offer in the future may only be possible under a fee based model. All current services offered by HoverSpot will remain free.

Hover Spot wants you to come Hover Along.
